
Safe Landing The Best Job Opportunity Post Pandemic Read Detailed Story Here

Written by Hello Womeniya

In a country that suffered from unemployment for ages, we now have one more reason for people to lose jobs. While most of us are still trying to apprehend the many aspects of the “new normal”, most employers are trying to create a working environment with the goal of being agile, resilient and fluid to move forward successfully, filtering behind a lot of workforce. While the virus leaves so many professionals unemployed, the youth that is still to enter the real world remain confused as to how much this new economy is going to affect their careers. Some of the most frequent questions we encounter with the young fresh graduates, post pandemic, are whether they will land a job, if yes what are the opportunities available, which industries are hiring and will they sustain. The good news is, there is a positive answer to all of them. If there are avenues going down, there are many others opening up as well. Let us first have a look at the industries that are hit worst by the pandemic, and will take considerable time to get back. For instance, Hospitality industry including Travel & Tourism shall face a downfall until people get mentally prepared to travel again for leisure. Performing arts and sports may not see light until audiences get over the social distancing trauma. A similar plight shall be shared by the media, entertainment and event industry. It may take a while for people to start affording semi-luxury goods. With economy on its death bed, construction and real estate industry may struggle with survival for the longest time. To a pessimist, such a crisis would feel like an end. But trust me, it’s not all that dark. While the food supply chain and telecom industries remain quite immune, there a few industries that shall witness better growth prospects. Education and training (especially online) will be hiring as student-teacher ratio will now decrease, E-Commerce will be on its peak supporting retail and logistics, which will have many openings. IT industry will create a bigger demand for careers in Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and App Development.
The highest opportunities will , however ,be available in Health care and pharmaceutical industry as people are conscious about health and sanitization, now more than ever before. Once the choice to your right career has been wisely made, it is fundamental for a fresher to have the right employability skills in order to increase their chances to get shortlisted for an interview. You could make the most from this lockdown, by upgrading yourself with up-skill courses, taking up voluntary work, or by doing an online internship. It is imperative that all of this is updated regularly on your CV and LinkedIn profile. Not even the smallest effort of work, participation and learning should go unmentioned. Building up your profile will make u look lucrative to the employer, and put you one step above the other candidates even if you are a fresh graduate. Companies look for candidates who come with a certain level of understanding and expertise which can add value to the role. The icing on the cake; we can be extra prepared, as we know one sure shot question that is going to be asked in every interview:
How did you utilize your time during lockdown?

  • News Report By Anisha Nandan

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Hello Womeniya

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