Inner Wheel District 309 comprises a part of Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab.There are 51 clubs with 1210 members in our District.
My Presidents are the Dream Team Leaders who worked did many projects under the Goals given by AP Dr.Surjit Kaur
More stress has been laid for empowering Women.For this purpose many Exhibitions and Webinars were organised.Our Service projects are as under:
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Sewing and Beauty courses organized, Webinars on personality development, Seminars on skill development, Good and Bad Touch, Yoga Sessions & Youth Seminars in Schools &Colleges organizedPoster on bad effects ofdrugs put a different places.
ENVIRONMENT Fruit Trees and Saplings planted. Eco friendly bricks made. Posters on save environment and Go Green were put. Parks Cleaned. 5 Solar Pannels Installed, Cloth Bags Distributed . Campaign
on Say “NoTo Plastics” organized.
THE CHILD (EDUCATION) : Water Coolers, Ceiling Fans, Chairs, Writing Pads Donated in schools. Free Education for slum area children. Wash Stations installed. Uniform, Stationary, School Bags and cycles gives tostudents. Book Shelves Given in the library.Cyber Café Crime talk organized.
STATUS OF WOMEN : Mammography camps. Walkhaton and Exhibitions Organized. Sewings Machines, Sanitary Pads and Baby Kits donated.Awareness Campaign on Gender Equality, Legal Rights and Self Defense classes conducted.
AGING (HELP TO SENIOR CITIZENS) : Vegetables, Grocery, Mattresses, Ceiling Fans, Wheel Chairs, Tricycles, Healthy Eatables, Medicines along with monthly ration and clothes donated at old age home. Shelter for old age people constructed. Monetary Help givento the needy old people.
FAMILY : Monetary help for treatment of diseases, Help in the marriage of Poor girls given and monthly ration given to poor families. Sheltersrenovated.Health Camps organizedandSewing Machines donated.
WATER & SANITATION : Water coolers and hand wash stations installed. Dustbins to keep surroundings clean, Tooth Pastes and Brushes distributed. Campaign on How to save water and awareness to the children about the importance of washing hands organized.

NARCOTIC DRUGS : Skits and posters on “Say No To Drugs”, Rallies and De-addiction programmes
Talks on the harmful effects of smoking and tobacoo organized.
CANCER: Cancer Deduction Camps, Awareness talks on causes and prevention organized. Hair
donation to cancer patient and monetary help given to them.Awareness talk on breast and Cervical Cancer organized.
ANAEMIA : Free medicines were given to anemic patients, Talks on the evil effects of lack of hemoglobin were organized Home remedies for the treatment of anemia were told in slum areas, Healthy eatables were given to anemic patient inthe civil hospital.
STRONG WOMEN, STRONGER WORLD : Exhibitions, Walkathon, Talks on Mensural Hygiene organized. Participation in Interdistrict Rally. Breat Feeding Booth Setup. Sanitary Pads Incinerators installed, Help in Heigher Education and various centres, Setup for women Empowerment.
OTHER PROJECTS : Fans, Jaggery, Fodder and monetary help to Gaushalas. Many Langars Organised and Birthdays and Festivals Celebrated. Flags Exchanged and Inner Wheel Logos put on various places, Water PotsandDustbins. Homemade food served many time

*One new club formed and five clubs retained.
*Inner Wheel Club Sri Ganganagar felicitatd by the district Administration Sri Ganganagar on 26th January 2023.
*Stitching centres established by four clubs.
*Hair donated forCancer patientby one of the clubs.
*Breast Feeding Rooms at Bus Stops set bytwo clubs.
*WALKATHON organized by Inner Wheel Club Abohar in which more than thousand girls participate

Brief Iintroduction Bela Sachdev :
District Chairman 309 2022/2

Born on 10th of January in Delhi, Bela is a graduate from Delhi University. Bela believes in the principle of giving cent percent to the work assigned. After serving as the President & Secretary of her club she became the District Editor in 2016 & after climbing all ladders of District posts now she is the District Chairman 2022-23