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Dipti Mundra Founder Of Rising Hub Event Organizer & NGO Says “Women Empowerment Is A Passion And An Obsession” & Shares Her Views On Betterment Of Society And Charity Work During Lockdown

Written by Hello Womeniya

Dipti Mundra, Founder, Rising Hub Event Organizer and NGO, while sharing her views on betterment of society with Hello Womeniya News Team she says that being a mother of two she has seen the society in a very different manner focusing on the areas which were not emphasized before.

She floated her own NGO, in July 2019 and from then onwards, there was no looking back for her.

Women Empowerment is a passion and an obsession for her. When she sees a weak woman, her conscience forces her to help, support and to be an inspiration.

She states, “When you are operating an NGO, you are bound to face Challenges day-to-day. Infact, challenges in urban areas are different. Lack of funds, poor Co-operation with mass media, lack of professional experience of working in particular area, fear of grants, lack of long term strategic planning, funding for the NGO is pooled in through CSR funding from corporates, Govt. grants and sponsorship.

About her future plans and goals, she makes it known that she would be going in for Digitalization in Women Empowerment through digital platform to reach vast number of women in villages and tribal areas.

Her goal is to bring together partners from different sectors around common agendas for action, seeking to catalyze investments, expertise, and innovation to drive further progress towards global goals.
Her Message to women is, “I want to show that women are empowered and strong and don’t have to be saved by some male hero. But they can take care of themselves using their intelligence and power.”

Her role model is her daughter who inspires her through her never give up attitude. Amid the Coronavirus induced Lockdown she showed great spirit by going home to home and helping the needy by distributing masks, sanitizers and groceries.
1st Initiative is supplying medical kits to needy and police staff during Covid-19 pandemic.
2nd Helping women through different ways.
3rd Menstruation tales and how to maintain menstruation.

Key highlights of Charity work amid Lockdown:

During the difficult pandemic time of Covid-19 her work for the society was highly appreciable.

Notwithstanding her own health she went door to door to help the needy by various ways. She distributed numerous face masks and sanitizers to the needy people and police staff. She also contributed to the society by distributing needful groceries to the needy during these harsh times of Covid-19 pandemic. She also organized various indoor competitions for women like “Quarantine Queen” which was too held with the motive of appreciating the house wives who work for us every day 24×7.

Charity Work By Dipti Mundra For Lockdown Affected People In Indore.

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