Niranjan Hiranandani attends the Ceremony as a chief guest.
Every Woman at Inner Wheel repose faith in their dream and await for that cherished moment to become the District Chairman of Inner Wheel. It turned out to be a great moment and pride for Dr. Sunneta Jain.
On Friday 25 June, Dr Suneeta Jain was elected District Chairman for 2021-22 of Inner Wheel Dist 314.
A Grand Installation Ceremony was held in Thane’s Kashinath Auditorium. The main Highlight of this Installation Ceremony was that it saw the attendance by prominent dignitaries like Niranjan Hiranandani, Rajendra Agrawal District Governor 3141 Dr. Maheshwari DG for 3142.and Dr. Sandhya Bhatt Inner Wheel Association Editor.
While addressing the Inner Wheel Women, Dr. Suneeta Jain in her first speech said,
” I am thankful to all those who supported me in my long Inner Wheel journey. We are very much aware that the whole world is reeling through trying times due to this pandemic. Last year amid the Covid-19 induced lockdown, our District performed well and undertook many service projects under the guidance of of our DC Amla Mehta and due credit goes to her.
Notably, as one will recollect, Last year the Inner Wheel’s main theme was “Lead the Change”.
This Pinkfirst is main Theme and am sure, we will all work together. Amid this pandemic crisis, our show must go on for Humanity.
This pandemic has taught us a lot and we have come to know the importance of Social Service and Charity work.
I must appreciate all this who came forward to support the pandemic impacted people amidst this Lockdown.
” She further went on to explain the Service Project Details which is going to be held during her tenure..She also showed the entire list of important projects. Pink First is our Theme, followed by Amrut Manthan, Mangoes Marathon, District Rally Eco Tourism, Seminar on Education, Health, Water Project in Rural areas and many more. These will be most important project.
Meanwhile, she expressed her gratitude to all the family members and her friends who supported her in her Inner Wheel journey.
Niranjan Hiranandani who attended this Installation ceremony as a Chief Guest while addressing the audience said,” I am thankful to Inner Wheel, and I feel proud to be knowing this wonderful couple, Dr.Suneeta Jain and Dr. Sanjiv Jain since many years.
My Heartiest Congratulations to Suneeta Jain to become DC of Inner wheel 314. I am very much impressed with the performances by the Inner Wheel amid this pandemic.
In future any kind of support will certainly be carried out by me. Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani was also honoured by Inner Wheel Team.
Dr. Rajendra Agrawal DG Of Rotary 3141 while also congratulating Dr Suneeta Jain said, Inner Wheel and Rotary taught us how to do work for on humanitarian grounds and we are lucky ones to have helped the people during this pandemic through this platform.
We can’t change the situation but we must have a positive mindset and to not to be depressed . Our work for society should be continued and we both Rotary and Inner wheel will continue to work for humanity. Mr. Agrawal also appealed to all not to slip into depression but to work hard and support Suneeta Jain in her tenure and do maximum project in Urban as well as Rural areas of Maharashtra.
Dr. Mayuresh Varke District Governor of Dist 3142 , He also attended this Installation Ceremony to congratulate Dr. Sunneeta Jain and her team and extended his support.
He said “I know Dr. Suneeta Jain since long and am sure under her leadership this District will perform well. Inner wheel performed well during this trying times of pandemic.
We all of us are aware that the whole World is facing Global Crisis. We should not lose hope but continue our work for society and humanity.
Dr. Sandhya Bhatt National Editor of Inner wheel Association was also present at the ceremony and while congratulating Dr. Suneeta Jain and her Team. she said Dist. 314 performed well during this difficult times of pandemic and undertook many projects. I am sure Dr. Suneeta Jain and her team will perform well.
She once again stressed that Pink First is Inner Wheel’s main Theme of this year.
The function also saw the attendance by Amala Mehta (DC for 2020-21) ,

Dr. Suneeta Jain with Sandhya Bhatt National Editor of Inner Wheel Association during the event.
District Vice- Chairman, Secretary and other Club President of Dist. 314.
About District 314:
One of the most important Inner Wheel District in Maharashtra which covers Mumbai and Thane District. This District had 75 Clubs with 3,000 Members .It has a strong presence in Mumbai and Thane. This District performed well during this difficult time of pandemic.
Brief History of Inner Wheel :
Inner Wheel founded by Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1923 is the World’s Second Largest Non-Governmental Voluntary, Women’s Service Organization consisting of mainly women folks of Rotarian. It’s purpose is to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of society. The Inner Wheel is the world’s second largest women’s organization and comprises of the women folk of Rotarians. It is a recognized voluntary Non-Government Organization to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of the Society. In recognition of its social service, it has got representation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Inner Wheel concentrates upon Friendship and Personal Service.
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News Edit by K.V.Raman