Service Project picture Gallery :

Picture of Service project during pandemic.
Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel Desk North India
In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you to a very dynamic and popular social entrepreneur of IWC who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Hema Thakur President of Inner Wheel Club of Muzaffarpur Jagriti, Dist-325 stepped in with precautions to support Covid affected in this lockdown.
Mumbai: Inner Wheel Club of Muzaffarpur Jagriti are putting on their best to provide support to people and render their helping hands whenever essential yet in the current covid-19 crisis
They have donated equipment and medicines needed for Corona treatment to 2 COVID 19 patients. Both patients are financially weak and need assistance. One of the patients needed an oxygen cylinder as well which the club pledged to provide. As instructed by their dear DC Sheela di, we donated cash collected from the piggy bank. A total of 8000 rupees was collected by her and her club members.
Following items were donated:
1. Oxygen Cylinder
2. Cylinder kit and humidifier
3. BP machine
4. Glucometer
5. Nebulizer
6. Steamer
7. Thermometer
8. Oximeter
9. Medicine
She said, “I feel great pride and happiness in doing this project.”
About IWC District 325 :
IW District 325 was formed on 19th June 1985 with four clubs Darbhanga, Biharsharif, Hazaribagh, and Gaya. It was formed due to the efforts of the first District Governor of RI District 325, Late PDG Dhanesh Prasad. The first club of their District was the Inner Wheel Club of Darbhanga, followed by Biharsharif and Hazaribagh. Now the quantities have expanded and include patliputra, Patna, phulwarisharif, Satya danapur, saumya, Jamshedpur, Muzaffarpur, and others.
Brief Introduction of Inner Wheel :
International Inner Wheel is an international women’s organisation to create friendship, service, and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members. It is a nonprofit organization and known for its charity works. Inner wheel club has a very strong presence in India. More than 3,000 clubs are active in urban as well rural areas of India.