On 23rd March 2021 we the Inner wheel Club of Moradabad celebrated our Golden Jubilee. The Chief Guest was our Distt. Chairman Smt. Santosh Sharma. All the District Authorities along with our local PDC graced the function with their presence.
One of our senior member presented our club history from 1971 to 2021 in a very impressive way.
Distt. Chairman Santosh Ji presented Golden Collar to President Usha Agarwal. Santosh Ji also honoured all the Past Presidents and PDC of our club by presenting them with a beautiful Golden Trophy which she brought by herself. Her this gesture was very much appreciated by everyone present there.
Then after our Chief Guest Santosh Ji addressed the club with her inspiring words. She told that our is the 3rd club in the District 310 after Meerut and Muzaffarnagar who completed 50 years, a very proud moment for us.
Club President Usha Agarwal presented her board in a befitting manner.
In the end our members presented beautiful and matured Cultural Programme which everybody admired.
News Input by : Usha Agarwal
IW Club Of Moradabad
District 310

INAUGURATION Ceremony of the event

Usha Agarwal with Santosh Sharma during the event

Inner wheel Club of Moradabad celebrated Golden Jubilee , Dist Chairman Smt. Santosh Sharma attends as a Chief guest