With the aim to protect the nation from the spread of the deadly virus, Government of India announced the 1st phase of lockdown with effect from 25th March 2020 imposing a number of restrictions, the basic being staying at home unless it is absolutely necessary to go out.
When the Lockdown was imposed there was a mixed reaction from people from various walks of life. The large corporates tried to continue with work opting for work from home option, though all employees could not work due to non availability of computer and internet connection at home. Schools , Colleges Universities opted for online classes. Again all schools could not provide the same facilities nor could all students opt for that. Though some television channels hosted programmes on Online Education , but that was not enough for students living in the rural regions where having a mobile phone or television is a luxury.The students in the rural areas and many other Government schools even in urban areas could not provide such online education. Then what about the future of such students who are being deprived of education presently?
The large film and television industry came to a standstill, all shootings being deferred. Only the news channels probably saw a boom with everyday coverage of the spread of Covid 19 in and out of the country. The migrant workers starved due to lack of work , lack of money at many places and finally went back home. Staying at home was not that easy for all of us, particularly the daily bread earners but that was the only way to shield ourselves from the Virus.
One phase after another the lockdown continued till 31st May and it is still continuing in the containment zones. Within two months of its outbreak ,India has recorded over 2 lakh infected people, not to count the death toll , and yes,keep counting with time. For a densely populated country like India it is alarming no doubt. But what do we do? Yes the only option being social distancing and lockdown , keeping oneself within one’s own house. But then what about the economy?
As the Government has announced unlock 1 with effect from 1st June, daily life has resumed to a great extent. Rail and air travel has resumed , the film and television industry is opening gradually in different states , offices have opened but everywhere there are guidelines to be adhered to. Reopening of schools and colleges are yet to be decided. The restrictions imposed at the beginning of unlock 1 are also being relaxed within very few days .Though this is the time to unlock it depends on us as how much we want to unlock ourselves? Work and earning our bread is a necessity and certain other things are either habit, or pleasure or relaxation. People at this time are tired of staying at home, but we need to remember that though its the time to unlock, the spread of the deadly virus is no less rather the number of infected people in the country is increasing with every passing day.
Staying at home for a long time weakens our immunity system. We may be exposed to some other diseases other than COVID 19. Adaptibility is the man’s weapon for existence. The virus wont die out suddenly. One day we all need to come out of our homes and stand face to face with our invisible enemy. But yes we need to prepare ourselves mentally for the battle.
Some basic dos and donts which may be followed as we prepare to unlock—-
1. Maintain physical distancing for at least 2 metres.
2. Wear masks and gloves (optional) when you go out, particularly in crowded place.
3. Try to maintain a zero contact during transactions.
4. Avoid public transport unless necessary.
5. Wash your hands regularly with soap and use santizers with 70% alcohol
6. Its better to avoid outside prepared food .
7. Cleanliness is a virtue, keep yourself, your home and your surrounding clean.
8. Regular exercises help maintain blood circulation and muscle activity .
9. It is advisable to have food which boost your immunity.
10. Stay positive .
It has been found that COVID-19 spread through droplets and one may get infected through eyes, nose or ears, or even mouth, hence extra protection should be taken when going in a crowded place.
As the vaccine to the virus is being prepared all over the world, we must have a positive outlook and face the current situation.
We may have to live with the virus for months or may be years, lets accept the fact. Immunity is increased by exposure to pathogens , hence we have to Unlock ourselves with care.
Article written by Ballari Ray
Input – Debjani Basu Mullick