
Meet Ahmedabad based Dr.Madhuri Bhatt , MD Homoeopath ,Founder of Soham Homoeopathic Clinic and Healing Centre She shared her Entrepreneurial journey on International Women’s Day

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Accept Happy Women’s Day from Hello Womeniya.com Team :

Each year, Hello Womeniya takes the privilege to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th to propagate and recognize women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements through featuring stories on their successful journey in their field and to call for gender equality

This is with a goal to raise awareness about the need to end gender-based violence, promote women’s leadership, celebrate their contributions, promote entrepreneurs, startups and advocate for women’s economic empowerment around the World.

In Honour of International Women’s Day We, Hello Womeniya.com Team took an Exclusive Interview of Ahmedabad based Dr.Madhuri Bhatt , MD Homoeopath and
Founder of Soham Homoeopathic Clinic and Healing Centre at Ahmedabad.

We hope her story’ will inspire one and all.
So guys read on :


Hello Womeniya: Introduce yourself for our readers.
Myself Dr.Madhuri Bhatt , MD Homoeopath
Founder of Soham Homoeopathic Clinic and Healing Centre at Ahmedabad.
I am teaching since last 12 years in homoeopathic medical college and a PhD scholar.
I am council member of WICCI MSME Counc

Hello Womeniya:  Tell us what prompted you to take up entrepreneurship? Tell our readers about your products and services

Sure,Myself Dr.Madhuri Bhatt Founder of Soham Homoeopathic Clinic and Healing Centre. I am practicing homoeopath since last 15 years. Being a homoeopath I have known many aspects of an individual life. Which motivated me to cure my patients not only of their physical complaints but also psychological, financial problems. I strongly believe in cosmic energies and I started practicing Pranic healing, Crystal healing, Sound Healing and many other healing modalities. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist which helped me to treat past traumas of an individual. I am a Graphologist, Batchflower therapist, Access bar Practioner which make me treat my patients the best way.
During my journey I have seen people suffering from hair and skin problems. And using harmful chemicals in form of Cosmetics. So I decided to find the solution for it. I started manufacturing the advance natural skincare and haircare cosmetic products .And my brand HERBONUOVA has evolved. We manufacture phytobased advanced natural cosmetics. Which helped my patients to get personal care tye natural way.

Hello Womeniya : As  a Gujrati Entrepreneur how you foresee the Indian Market.

Indian market has huge potential. We have dedicated work culture. The govt policies are helping MSME and women entrepreneurs .
Hello Womeniya :  What are the prospects for Startups in Gujrat for Women Entrepreneur’s?
They are excellent. Many Startup cells , Universities are supporting women Entrepreneurs. Anyone who wants to start business from base, various institutions are ready to guide.

Hello Womeniya: Do you agree Gujrati Women are Entrepreneurs friendly?
Yes. It’s said that business lives In blood and bones of Gujarati families. Women are backbone of family finances. And now they are utilizing the in born skill in their business.

Hello Womeniya :How do you foresee the future of a Startup and Entrepreneurship in Gujarat and your experience?
The Startups which are having potential to deal with real problem and give solution are working great.
Hello Womeniya: Do you agree Gujrat has Huge potential on Msme and startup?
Yes. Absolutely. I am the council member of WICCI MSME and we do organize talk shows and workshop for spreading awareness about govt Schemes for MSME and especially for women Entrepreneurs

Hello Womeniya : What are the qualities of a good woman entrepreneur?
Determined and ready to take action are the qualities needed for a good female entrepreneur.

Hello Womeniya:. What challenges you had to overcome in begining of your journey?
Being a female it is definitely at times difficult to manage the family and the work place. There was a time when I need to stop my clinical practice as motherhood took the priority . I had faced a resistance and criticism as well for developing a cosmetic brand .that y do i need to do it ? But i was firm on my thoughts to creat the natural , safe products .
Hello Womeniya : What was your key driving force to become entrepreneur?
I always believed that sickness is not only physical but emotional and Financial as well. So to cure my patients I always incorporate various healing with my homoeopathy treatment. This kept me keep learning and gaining knowledge and help others.
Hello Womeniya:What makes female entrepreneurs successful.
There is no shortcuts to success. One should work hard with proper planning , and success will follow. Women are having this ability to work .

:Hello Womeniya :  Is Gujrat a good destination for women Entrepreneurs.
Yes. In Gujrat Women Entrepreneurs are getting huge respect and support from families and society.

Hello Womeniya: What’s is your message on International Women’s Day.
Do not limit yourself in  boundaries. Believe in yourself. You can do it.
:Hello Womeniya :What is your advice for Aspiring Entrepreneur
Be determined on your goal. Do the ground work properly and don’t give up at any point of time.

Hello Womeniya :Tell Something about your identity and recognition.
I have been awarded for my services in health, wellness abd beauty sector by national level organizations.

1.  Indian Women Momeprenoure Awards Doctors category by Nirgia Foundation
2. Radiance Iconic award for Alternative Healing therapies by Miral foundation
3. Page 3Lifestyle excellence award for health and wellness by Page3lifestyle Company
4. Fempreneur  award for health and wellness by VyaaparJagat
5. Dynamic Professor of the year by Asian Education foundation.
6. Best Enterpreneur Award for Brand HERBONUOVA By ISOC18

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