Inner Wheel Club

Meet Leelachandra President Inner wheel Club of Bangalore Metro shared her charitable projects amid pandemic with Hello Womeniya

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Picture of Service project during pandemic

Women Social  entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India   has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare,  branding, Social services,  etc. Maharashtra  notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.

Hello Womeniya. Com  always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals  is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on  online platform.  The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.

In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Inner wheel who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Leela Chandra who is current president of IWC Banglore Metro .She shared her Entrpreuner and Inner wheel Journey with Hello Womeniya Correspondent Ruchika Sawant.

District Number:319 ;Charter Number:6033
Inner wheel Club of Bangalore Metro, the club which serves the need for the society by conducting various projects for welfare of children, women and who sake our help . We being an helping hands to many families to over come their difficulties.
Our club got established on 9th May 2013 by past district chairman Meena Amblee. Sabiha Fazal was the first charter president to our club. Now being 8th president for the year 2020-2021 forming an unbroken service ,consisting of 25 members in our club. Currently Suma Prafulla being district chairman. Under district, there are 39 clubs but in this year 2 more clubs got enrolled. Totally forming 41 clubs together.

Service Project details during pandemic :

On 13th August ,we donated groceries worth Of Rs.5000/- towards Manukula charitable
and educational truth.

On 11th November, we distributed 100 masks and 100 sanitizers at Rajajinagar police station.

On 4th March, we contributed worth of Rs.10,000/- for Animal treatment such as Vaccination for Rabies n without Rabies, Skyworm tab, D’ Mag spray, freedom spray, Mericalpet tab, Topicure spray, 2types of Ear drops, Pedi 20 kgs, wet gravy Pedi 30 ‘s pac, Shampoo, Rice, Milk, Biscuits n Newspapers towards a Vaathsalya Charitable Trust, J.P. Nagar n they honoured us.

On 18th April , We contributed 3 bundles of Mesh, 6ft Crowbar, 10nos of 20lts WaterCan to HasiruRatha (NGO) to take care of plants on foothpath, worth of Rs. 5000/-.

15th December, we took 25 children’s to Nehru
planetarium for educational visit from Manukula charitable and educational trust and also distributed snacks , juice and toothpaste for the childrens.

14th August we contribution Rs.10,000/- towards a 16 years old boy who was suffering from diabetic. The cheque was received by his father Thangraj.

On 8th January, we celebrated New Year with Auxiliam Navajeevana Society Rainbow Home for girls by cutting a cake n distributed the food, sweet, fruit, biscuits, pencil n easier to 100 children.

31st January, IWCB Metro with district vice chairman Veena Niranjan along with Rotary Metro we executed National immunization day-
pulse polio programme at Avalahalli BBMP Health center .
We also distributed breakfast , lunch and water bottles to staff and volunteers at the hospital.

On 21th October,World Polio Day we did awareness program with Rotary Bangalore Metro at MN Krishanroa park.

We are happy to announce, 18th September on account of teachers day. We honoured 10 govt school teachers with service of 32 years in different fields that is physical teacher,music,art,primary n high school teachers and distributed bisecuits and chocolates to the students.

Brief History of Inner Wheel :

Inner Wheel founded by Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1923 is the World’s Second Largest Non-Governmental Voluntary, Women’s Service Organization consisting of mainly women folks of Rotarian. It’s purpose is to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of society. The Inner Wheel is the world’s second largest women’s organization and comprises of the women folk of Rotarians. It is a recognized voluntary Non-Government Organization to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of the Society. In recognition of its social service, it has got representation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Inner Wheel concentrates upon Friendship and Personal Service.

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