Picture Gallery of Service projects

Picture of Manju Sud ,Service project during pandemic.
Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel North India Desk :
Women Social entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare, branding, Social services, etc. North India notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.
Hello Womeniya. Com always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on online platform. The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.
In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Inner wheel who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Manju Sud who is immediate past president of IWC Noida City She shared her Entrpreuner and Inner wheel Journey with Hello Womeniya
Brief Introduction Of Manju Sud :
I, MANJU SUD, am the Chairperson-cum-Managing Director of SQPL NOIDA and represent a few International Organisations in India for their Powered Horticulture/Agriculture Equipments. Also manufacture CANDLES for Corporates and Hospitality Industury.
I have won dozens of Accolades in Noida and Delhi…. Just a few to mention….
(a). Best Woman Entrepreneur Award twice in International Trade Fair Pragati Maidan Delhi for 2 consecutive years
(b). I have also been honoured with .. शिरोमणी महिला उद्यमी उपाधी .. in Noida.
I am also socially active in INNER WEHEEL .. an International Voluntary Service Women Organisation.
After seeing my performance as PRESIDENT 2018-2019 in another Inner Wheel Club, our Inner Wheel District 301 wished me to revive one of their non-functional Club for so long .. Inner Wheel Club NOIDA CITY…. Hence .. I shouldered the responsibility of PRESIDENT-cum-EDITOR 2019-20-21 of Inner Wheel Club NOIDA CITY for 2 consecutive years. After being on the post for PRESIDENT for 3 continuous year, currently since 1st July 2021, I am now SECRETARY-cum-EDITOR 2021-2022 IWC NOIDA CITY.
Though 2020 and 2021 is a Pandemic Year, we the Inner Wheel Brigade, kept marching ahead and met our set targets in PANDEMIC to reach to the Needies .. the Underprivileged/Senior Citizens/ Specially Abled and even the Animals. PANDEMIC could not stop us. We dud more than 85 Projects in a year.

Picture of Service project during pandemic.
Charity project details amid pandemic :
During COVID-19, we started with getting made about 1000 Face Masks by Underprivileged Women of Navratan Silayi Kendra in Noida (whom we had donated Sewing Machines earlier). Then we distributed these Masks to the Underprivileged on Roads in Noida. We distributed Monthly Ration too to hundreds of Jobless Daily Wage Earners. Another lot of 1000 Masks we got made equivalent to N-95 with INNER WHEEL LOGO and distributed them in Industrial Units and Offices in Noida, thus branding Inner Wheel everywhere. Also met the immediate need of the hour of *Non-contact Infrared Thermometers and Oximeters.* Distributed HICKS brand above items and these *N-95 Masks* in Industrial Units and Offices in Noida.
Also opened a opened a .. *नेकी की दीवार* .. in Noida for underprivileged, with a motto, अगर ज़रूरत है पहनने के कपड़ों की तो यहां से ले जाइए, और अगर घर के कपड़े पहनने के काम न आ रहे हों तो यहां दे जाइए। During this lean period, it is of great help to the Underprivileged. हमारा नेकी की दीवार को नवरत्न सिलाई केंद्र में खोलने के पीछे दो उद्देश्य हैं। एक तो कपड़े लेने वाला अपनी आवश्यकतानुसार वहीं की वहीं alterations करवा सकता है। और दूसरा वहां Training ले रहीं Underprivileged Women भी दो चार पैसे कमा लेंगीं।
Have also donated Wheelchairto Pride Metro Station of Noida for easy commutement of Sick/Seniors/ Handicaps/on the platform.
We have adopted two schools in Noida
(1). Keeping in mind that *AUTISM* is not a processing error, but is a different operating system, we have adopted Orane Kids, a school of Children with Autism. During Pandemic, Disinfectant Sprayer and Sanitizer to them. We also catered to their requirements of CCTV Cameras, Printer, Computer Stationary and so on. Take them to Picnics, celebrate their Birthdays, Christmas, New Year, National Events and Sports Days in their school. Give them gifts almost every time, hence they address me as their Santa Clause. I taught them T-Lite Candle Making to develop their extra-curricular skills and gifted them Candle Making Kit too which benefits them to earn too for their school.
(2). Navratan Gyanpeeth, a school of 125 Underprivileged Children in a Jhuggi Jhopari in Noida. We cater to their requirements of Uniform and Stationary. We celebrate Festivals with them, take them to Movies, Picnics and also organise Sports Events. Have also sponsored Annual *INNER WHEEL SCHOLARSHIP* for their 2 Girl Students. Off and On, I take an Icecream Hawker to their school and feed as many Icecreams as they want. They call me Icecream wali Manju Auntie.
We have also opened a *Praurh Mahila Shiksha Kendra* in this school premises for Underprivileged Women, who are being taught Beginner’s Hindi, English and Maths for 3 months, so that they do not face any problem due to illiteracy in their daily life.
For last many years, I am celebrating my Birthday on every 16th January with the children of both these schools.
Keeping Harmony with Transgenders, on Inyetnational Transgenders Day, we honoured 7 Transgenders from Noida, who have broken their stigma and are active in various fields. Noida Metro Rail Corporation have employed them in their Sector-50 Metro Station, which has now been named as Pride Station.The smile on their faces and the brightness in their eyes clearly showed their happiness on being accepted as normal human beings by the society.
My late father Shri Surendra Nath Sud always called himself SURRENDER NOT and I think me too follow his footsteps. Again on my personal level, in my late father’s Ioving memory, I have announced a Cash Annual Award of Rs. 11,000/- by the name *SURRENDER NOT AWARD* in Noida. Every year it will be will be awarded to any deserving candidate, whether Male/Female or Child, whosoever achieves his or her goals without surrendering to circumstances.
Apart from my Business Awards, I have won a few Awards in Inner Wheel too in various Competetions for my Art Work, my Poetry, my Articles etc.
(a). I am a Poetess and have already published my Poetry Book *SAHEBA*. I write both in Hindi and English.
(b). I have a passion for singing and have already released my Music Album .. *मेरे सुर और मेरे ही गीत* .. wherein all the Songs are composed and sung by me.
(c). Writing Articles, both Hindi and English. Very recently won 1st Prize in a Nationwide Inner Wheel Competition all over India for my Article .. *WOMAN PUBLIC FIGURE WHO INSPIRED ME*. And my inspiration was Legendary Filmstar Dimple Kapadia (I enclose herewith my this Article
(c). I also stage a Talk Show by the name .. *MAAZA WITH MANJU* .. on the tune of Koffee With Karan.
Brief History of Inner Wheel :
Inner Wheel founded by Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1923 is the World’s Second Largest Non-Governmental Voluntary, Women’s Service Organization consisting of mainly women folks of Rotarian. It’s purpose is to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of society. The Inner Wheel is the world’s second largest women’s organization and comprises of the women folk of Rotarians. It is a recognized voluntary Non-Government Organization to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of the Society. In recognition of its social service, it has got representation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Inner Wheel concentrates upon Friendship and Personal Service.
For sharing your service projects contact us :
Mail us : hellowomeniya@gmail.com
Call us : 09821553881