Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel News Desk Dis 326:
Women Social entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare, branding, Social services, etc. Maharashtra notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.
Hello Womeniya. Com always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on online platform. The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.
In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Inner wheel who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Miss Snehaalata Behra who is current president of IWC Bhadrak .She shared her Entrpreuner and Inner wheel Journey with Hello Womeniya Correspondent Ruchika Sawant.
Brief Introduction of Miss Snehalata Behra :
I Miss Snehalata Behera, president inner wheel club of Bhadrak, Dist- 326 am from a zamindar family. A proud daughter of late Krushna Chandra Behera a renowned social worker and a strong political leader and mother late Sashiprava Behera, who is a home maker
I am living with my happy family members consists of my younger brother Mr. Dipak Kumar Behera who is business and with sister in law, nieces and nephews etc.
Educational qualification and profession –
I have done MA in History and MEd (Master of Education) under Utkal University. I have gained 28th year of teaching experience in different educational institutions under odisha Government and have been awarded as a best teacher by Sarada vihar trust Bhadrak. Besides teaching I have interest on different kinds of social work for the distress and destitute women, girl, old aged, environment, nature etc
Inspired by Sri Sathya Sai Baba I entered in social service whose motto is “love all, serve all, help ever, and hurt never”. I am a live member of Indian Red Cross Society. I am an active member of Sri Sathya Sai Organization. Personally I contributed for the development of Schools and hospitals. I have donated blood several times to the Red Cross society
Inner Wheel Journey :
I joined inner wheel club of Bhadrak in 2015 which is one of the largest non government voluntary organization in the world with the aim of service, friendship and understanding. It is the best platform for the women to boost their self confidence and personality which will enable them to face the entire adverse situation successfully. I was ISO of inner Wheel Club of Bhadrak in the year 2017- 18. During this period I got my prizes in different competitions like essay, quiz etc conducted by different clubs. I hold the post of secretary for 2 consecutive years i.e. 2018-19 and 2019-20 and had got appreciation certificate by district chairman Krishna Mahajan in the year 2018-19.
Now as a president for the year 2020-21 I am going to complete this tenure successfully
During my tenure I have contributed towards society in form of cash .
Charity project details during pandemic :
1. Sewing machine
2. Bed sheet , pillow , blankets to the senior citizen in old age home
3. Contribution in many awareness programme on women empowerment , barest feeding lactating mother , self defence to girls , women literacy ,
4. Contributed in old age home
5. Deprived marriages, mass marriages
6. Help physically challenged person
7. Awareness to stop to use of plastic bag
8. Distributed blanket to the poor and needy
9. Helping the school going children with the study materials
10. Rally on women problem
11. Stop nonviolence against women and girl child
12. Promoting hand wash and mask during the covid 19 period
13. Awareness programme for covid 19 , distribution of mask and sanitizer with demonstration of hand wash
14. Have done two oxygen park
15. Encouraging the inmates regarding different activities of different disable homes , ashrams etc.
About IWC District 326:
IWC 326 one of the most important District of Inner wheel having 61 clubs it has a very strong presence in big cities and districts of Odisa and Chhattisgarh, such as Cuttak, Bhubneswar, Bilaspur, Raipur, Durg, Jabalpur, Katni, Balasore ,Puri, Bastar, Jajpur
Picture Gallery of Service project :

Picture of Service project during pandemic.
Brief History of Dis 326 :
It is very important to know that how the Inner Wheel 326 took the final shape. Inner Wheel Club of Raipur was organized in 1972. Its Charter President was Mrs. Kanmal Vale Rao. These days the Raipur Club was associated with District-325 (Andhra Pradesh). Mrs. Anita Sen of Inner Wheel Club of Raipur became the District Chairman in the year 1974-75. Till then there were no other clubs in Orissa and undivided Madhya Pradesh. In 1982 Inner Wheel Club of Madhya Pradesh came into existence. In 1984 Inner Wheel Club of Berhampur, Jeypore & Bhubaneswar in Orissa and Seoni in Madhya Pradesh joined the InnerWheel movements.