Mukti Panse Distic Chairman ( Dist 313 ) 2022-23
Women Social entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in Society. Entrepreneurs are those adventurous, daredevils who drive deep into the pressing problems of society and try to find solutions to them, not by leaving the responsibilities in the reins of the government or business, but by trying to change systems as whole and persuading societies to take new initiatives.
In our Social Entrepreneur series today we are introducing you a very dynamic and popular Social Entrepreneur of PUNE . She is known for her remarkable and outstanding performance in social field particular international Inner Wheel who always believes in Women Empowerment and social entrepreneurship. Yes, we are talking about Mukti Panse, District Chairman of (313) iNTERNATIONAL She shared her Service and Charity Project with Hello Womeniya Team.
Key Highlights of Service Project:
I am a strong believer of Kaizen; consistent improvement. I believe in the words of Winston Churchill
“To Improve is to Change and to be Perfect, Change often” I implemented this in my personal life,
professional life, and as Inner Wheel Member too. I guided my Wonder Girl Presidents to follow the
same and tried to train the Club Teams to achieve perfection in their work during my OCV of all
Clubs. Inner Wheel District 313 India, Ranks 1 in the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India with
3799 members in 76 Clubs spread over 12 Revenue Districts of Maharashtra.

A record number of 3200 plus projects were completed to touch millions of lives via the Association
Goals ‘WE CARE’ and District Goals. Excellent work was done by all clubs on the avenues Child and
Youth Development, Women & Adolescent Health Care and Empowerment, Environment, Cancer
Awareness, Detection and Prevention, 2000 plus HPV Vaccines were given worth Rs. 80 lac , Anemia
check up and Health Check up camps, Inner Wheel Schools, Education for all. The District Goals of
Environment Protection and Restoration via Renewable Clean Energy Source Solar Power, Miyawaki
Urban Forest, Inner Wheel Gardens, Tree Plantation, Rain Water Harvesting, Reduce, Reuse Recycle
Plastic, E Literacy, FLOA and Branding were achieved in plenty. Digital Addiction Awareness sessions
were conducted by members to touch more than 13000 children from schools and colleges. First ever
District Webinar on ‘Women Safety’ by Joint CP Mumbai City Hon. Vishwas Nangre Patil via Zoom and
You tube Live & a session at Poona Club by Retd ACP ATS Chief Bhanupratap Barge were very
impactful. A unique skill development program was implemented of acquiring Foreign language skill
via the Foreign Language Online Application Initiative for Web based learning. it benefited 2500 plus
children from all Socioeconomic strata from Urban as well as Rural schools. Even Teachers availed of
the opportunity to learn a new language.

Cancer Detection Camp For Bachat Gat
Digital/Screen Addiction Master Trainer Program “Train the Trainer” via Zoom Platform trained 27
Inner Wheel Club members who in turn conducted multiple sessions in schools and colleges and
reached 13717 beneficiaries. The Pune City Clubs did a Mega Project to the tune of a few lac by
installing multiple Solar Energy Water Heaters in a village which will save trees for fire wood in that
area. Solar lamps for Tribal in tough hilly terrain, Feeding Rooms on Bust Stations, Women
Empowerment projects, projects for Special Children, E Literacy, Inner Wheel Schools, Good Touch
Bad Touch in Schools many more meaningful projects created awareness and made huge difference
to the society. I am blessed that Club Presidents did medical projects, collected more than 3000
blood bags via a Blood Collection drive that helped 30000 patients in various cities in Maharashtra.
The Anemia, Bone Density, BP and Diabetes check up Camps helped girls and women from schools
and slums.
Cataract Surgeries For Senier Citizen


IWC Khadki Donated 20 Weed Removing Cycles were donated to Women Farmers.

Brief Introduction of International Inner Wheel:
International Inner Wheel is an international women’s Social organisation to create friendship, service and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members. IWC has very strong presence in India. It has more than 3000 thousands clubs in Urban and rural India. Since the Covid-19 Pandemic breaks out Inner wheel club launched charity campaign worldwide. In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this Episode we are introducing very popular face of IWC; she doesn’t need any kind of Introduction.
Mukti Panse
District Chairman 2022-23
Inner Wheel District 313, India
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