Inner Wheel Club

Meet Payal Gaur President Innerwheel of Sikandarabad Rejoice, Steps up to support the needy amid pandemic

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Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel North India News Desk Dis 310 :

Women Social  entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare,  branding, Social services,  etc. Maharashtra  notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.

Hello Womeniya. Com  always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals  is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on  online platform.  The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.

In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Inner wheel who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about  Payal Gaur  who is current president of IWC of Sikandarabad Rejoice  .She shared her Entrpreuner ,Inner wheel Journey  and Club ‘s Charitable activities with Hello Womwniya .

Innerwheel Club of Sikandrabad ‘Rejoice’

Our club is a 5 year old club. That began with a handful of ladies who wanted to be of help to the society around and share their know-how with others and also make a difference by working together.
The underlying principle and work intention of the club has always been to make an impactful and sustainable change around us. To do things that we believe in and always be there.
It has been an incredible journey of Friendship and Service. With each passing year we had more hands join us and our commitment to make a lasting change.
Over the years, We have been holding regular Medical Camps, Awareness Camps and Rallies on hygiene and sanitation, breast feeding, Traffic, Plastics, fitness etc., Cancer Awareness Drive, Independence Day Parade, Melas to promote local vendors and skill showcasing, Teacher Training, Innerwheel Schools, Promoting entrepreneurs, Plantation Drives, Carnivals, Nukkad Natak, Personal Defence training for girls and a lot more.
This year has been an exception for everyone. All our on-going projects and visions that we had for the year had to be put on a hold and we had to focus on a giant problem engulfing us all. So many people wanting help but no traditional ways of reaching out. This was the year of learning and practicing all at the same time!
I would here like to give special Thanks to our District Chairman Mrs. Santosh Sharma who helped each club think differently and play to their strengths and be of valuable help to their surroundings.
My club in this particular time, keeping in mind the importance of self- precaution and restraint worked with the agenda of reaching out and being there for the one’s with no help.

Service Projects Picture Gallery :

Food Packets:
When we were struck by the Covid-19 wave for the first time and had people migrating on foot and other ways, We started an Innerwheel food delivery for all those who were stuck on the highway.
Innerwheel Ration:
Later, we were informed of an entire slum that was facing food crisis because of no money and no work. We decided to provide them with weekly ration. We made ration-kits that would suffice a family of 5 and distributed it weekly to about 200 families in 3 loactions.
We realised that people in the slums or villages did not really understand social distancing, sanitizing or wearing masks. So with every delivery we would also hand out pamphlets and explain the crisis. We even pasted Covid-19 protocols and save-your-self banners in shops and on streets to spread awareness.

Covid Protection Kit:
Along with food , we thought it was necessary to help them save themselves, that’s when we began the Covid Kit. We made packets of Soap, masks and sanitizer to give away.
Isolation Centre:
With the increasing number of Covid cases, we spotted a need for a place where people could home isolate and also get some care. So, we decided to convert our Clubhouse a.k.a “Happiness Centre” to a isolation centre where one could isolate. We gave them a nutritious diet, clean bedding, online yoga training, proper sanitization of the facility and regular online consultation from a Physician during their stay.
Vocational Training Centre for Hair, Beauty and Make-up:
We have been training girls and women under an expert beautician to make them self-reliant and independent. It is a 6 months course with stipend provided. We have till date trained 12 girls who are now skilled and can earn a living.
Supporting Entrepreneurship:
One of the girls we trained, after marriage wanted to open her own parlour where she stayed. Appreciating her will to help her husband to make a better living, our club collectively gave her a cheque of Rs. 50,000 to be able to start her new business. She is now contributing towards the family income and a better life for herself and her family.
Vocational training centre for Sewing and Embroidery:
Our club began by teaching ladies how to sew and learn basics of stitching. When we saw that their where many who were interested and a skill like this could enhance their life, we decided to open a training centre. The permanent facility has been inaugurated this year by District Chairman Mrs. Santosh Sharma. We have appointed a trainer who teaches sewing, stitching and embroidery to a batch of 10 women and girls at a time. Our club members also help in the training and we are planning to open an Innerwheel Boutique in the future, so that the women who learn here can also start to earn a living!
Innerwheel Farm:
One of our club members offered her land , which was lying barren for any club activity and collectively we decided to make a Farm on that land. We cultivate organic vegetables. The produce has now been decided to be sold through an Innerwheel Mandi!
Animal Welfare:
The club used to frequently donate in kind to a Gaushala. When we were made aware that they are planning to bring and treat cows with diseases and the ones that are hurt, we decided to join with them. Our club donated Rs. 60,000 towards medicines. And also pledged for continuous support. Our members also donated Fans for the cowshed.
Our club donated a machine that converts Cow dung to wood worth Rs. 55,000 to the same Cowshed we have been working with.

Health and Hygiene:
We distributed Sanitary Pads to women living in the slums for better hygiene and made them aware about the hazards of not maintaining healthy living conditions.
Cancer Awareness:
This has been one of our clubs major projects. We print and distribute informative booklets about the ill-effects of Tobacco use and also breast cancer. This year too December is celebrated as Cancer awareness month and we took to slums to spread information about tobacco misuse.
Sharing is caring:
Like every year this year also we celebrated festivals with the community by sharing little joys and donating to the needy on Raksha-bandhan, Teej, Diwali etc.
Felicitating Covid Warriors:
We honoured Doctors saving lives during the Pandemic in a small ceremony. We also visited the Police station and honoured Policeman on duty. Next we also recognised the contribution of municipal workers and honoured them. Throughout the Pandemic they kept the streets clean to prevent any other epidemic.
Medical Camp:
Our Club has always kept health in the fore-front! Even this year we did not leave the regular health check-up camps aside. The pandemic made us all take our focus-off our basic health. We decided that we will bring a campaign of Know Your Numbers, (B.P, Sugar, height, weight) and then focus on Ek Chammach Kam Char Kadam Aage (One spoon less of Oil, Sugar and Salt and walking daily!
We conducted a free medical camp for the same.
Donation of Ambulance:
Our club along with Rotary Club Sikandrabad donated an Ambulance to a Tier-1 Covid Hospital in Sikandrabad. We gave the Hospital 2 Extra oxygen cylinders and an extra Stretcher. This will make it easier for the for the residents of the surrounding villages to get access to better medical facilities!

About Dist 310:

This District is one of the most important District of Inner Wheel which covers many big cities and districts of Uttar Pradesh such as Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar ,Hasanpur, Sambhal etc. This Inner wheel District has strong presence in North India. Under the guidance of District Chairman Santosh Sharma All clubs did many charity and service projects during this pandemic.

Brief History of Inner Wheel :

Inner Wheel founded by Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1923 is the World’s Second Largest Non-Governmental Voluntary, Women’s Service Organization consisting of mainly women folks of Rotarian. It’s purpose is to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of society. The Inner Wheel is the world’s second largest women’s organization and comprises of the women folk of Rotarians. It is a recognized voluntary Non-Government Organization to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of the Society. In recognition of its social service, it has got representation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Inner Wheel concentrates upon Friendship and Personal Service.

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