Inner Wheel Club

Meet Poonam Thakur District Chairman of Inner Wheel Dist. 325 who share her Inner Wheel Journey with Hello Womeniya

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Women Social entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
Entrepreneurs are those adventurous, daredevils who drive deep into the pressing problems of society and try to find solutions to them, not by leaving the responsibilities in the reins of the government or business, but by trying to change systems as a whole and persuading societies to take new initiatives

In our Inner Wheel Social Entrepreneur series in this episode We are introducing you a very dynamic and popular face of  International Inner Wheel Dist.325, who always believes in Women Empowerment and social entrepreneurship . Yes we are talking about Poonam Thakur District Chairman of Inner Wheel District  325 , she shared her Inner Wheel Journey and Lockdown experience with Hello Correspondent Priyanka Yadav

Hello Womeniya : Please share your first reaction and feeling on being District Chairman of IW Dist.325.

Poonam Thakur : Excited!

Hello Womeniya :  What will be your priority in the growth of Your District?

Poonam Thakur : To make women in our District strong decision makers.

Hello Womeniya : What are the current challenges your Dis is facing due to this post pandemic?

Poonam Thakur : Lack of interest rates as there is no social gatherings.

Hello Womeniya : What is your future agenda to solve these problems?

Poonam Thakur : Motivate and encourage to bring innovative ideas.

Hello Womeniya :Share your Inner Wheel journey with us.

Poonam Thakur : Joined in 1999 to help the underprivileged without knowing much about Inner Wheel and it’s structure. Slowly and gradually, I observed, learned and evolved day by day to this position in Inner Wheel. I am still learning and exploring!

Hello Womeniya : Could you please share your lockdown experience and how your District performed during this difficult time.

Poonam Thakur : Lockdown was a bad and challenging experience for all. Despite this challenge, our District handled it very gracefully and learned new ways to deliver things. Members took this as an opportunity and brought new things that we all are enjoying now.

Hello Womeniya : What is your appeal and message to Inner Wheel women ?

Poonam Thakur : This is a challenging time and we must focus on the positive things always. With that attitude, everything can be achieved.

Hello Womeniya : Do you agree this pandemic brought a lot of changes in our personal and professional life?

Poonam Thakur : Yes, it did in various ways. Brought some lifetime changes indeed.

Hello Womeniya : Can you highlights some important service projects you did during this pandemic?

Poonam Thakur : We covered supplies of foods medicines and other essential to the needy people by going door to door. Provider both monetary and mental support to the one in need, and much more. All tasks were done by dynamic members of our District.

Hello Womeniya : Being a Social entrepreneur what is your goal and vision about the upliftment of the society?

Poonam Thakur : The zeal to help must come from within. My focus is to make people aware about there potential and changes that they can bring in society. Everyone has some qualities that can be beneficial for society and as together we should explore and help each other in getting best out from within with a positive attitude!

Brief Introduction of International Inner Wheel :

International Inner Wheel  Club is an international women’s  Social organisation to create friendship, service and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members. IWC has very strong presence in India. It has more than 3000 thousands clubs in Urban and rural India. Since the Covid 19 Pandemic breaks out Inner wheel club launched charity campaign worldwide. In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this Episode we are introducing very popular face of IWC, she doesn’t need any kind of Introduction.

About Dist. 325 :

District Chairman (For 2021-2022)

Poonam Thakur

IW District 325 was formed on 19th June 1985 with four clubs Darbhanga, Biharsharif, Hazaribagh, and Gaya. It was formed due to the efforts of the first District Governor of RI District 325, Late PDG Dhanesh Prasad. The first club of their District was the Inner Wheel Club of Darbhanga, followed by Biharsharif and Hazaribagh. Now the quantities have expanded and include patliputra, Patna, phulwarisharif, Satya danapur, saumya, Jamshedpur, Muzaffarpur, and others.



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