Inner Wheel Club

Meet Rama Singh President Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow West comes forward to help Covid-19 affected during lockdown

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Ration kits Distributed to poor and needy people amid pandemic.

Food and Mask and sanitizer distributed during lockdown.

Food distributed to Hospitals.

News Input by Radhika Joshi

In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Lucknow who firmly believes in Social service and charity work, she is passionate about social work and charity work. Yes we are taking about Rama Singh President of Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow West who  came forward to help Covid-19 affected during lockdown.

Brief introduction of IWC:-

Inner Wheel, founded by British women Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1924, is the world’s largest voluntary women service organization created primarily for women.

International Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s service voluntary organisations in the world and is active in more than 104 countries.
International Inner Wheel has three key objectives:

01. To Promote True Friendship
02. To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service
03. To Foster International Understanding
Any woman who shares the three central aims of International Inner Wheel can join the organisation

Charity project amid pandemic :

Mumbai: Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow West, of District 312 came along even in the undesirable circumstance like Covid pandemic they are providing their promising means feasible to give backing to society

Service in Covid-19: all club members started work on Covid-19 from March 2020. First of all, they were taught to take Covid-19 seriously to the masses and also told to use mask sanitizer. Their club distributed a large number of masks and sanitizers as well as distributed rations to unemployed people and distributed food to hospitals and similarly provided money to those who required money for their treatment. They helped and served tea in the cold as well as warm clothes in which blanket clothes distributed saree shawls. Even today, their club is providing the needy with the goods they need.

About Inner wheel club District 312 :

IWC 312 is one of the largest District of Inner wheel which covers many big cities and districts of Uttar Pradesh such as Allahabad, Luckhnow, Azamgarh, Sultanpur, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Hardwar, Basti and many more. This Club performed well during this difficult time of Pandemic. Most of the clubs did many charity and service projects during lockdown.

About the author


1 Comment

  • My heartiest congratulations to dynamic n multitalented President of Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow West,RAMA SINGH.Under her able guidance we did so many social services during the period of pandemic Covid 19 last year with all d precautions.

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