Inner Wheel Club

Meet Rekha Thorat President Inner Wheel Club of Gurgaon South City, Dist-301 stepped ahead to provide support to the needy amid a pandemic

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Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel News Desk 

Women Social  entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India   has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare,  branding, Social services,  etc. Maharashtra  notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.

Hello Womeniya. Com  always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals  is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on  online platform.  The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.

In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you to a very dynamic and popular social entrepreneur of IWC who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Rekha Thorat President of Inner Wheel Club of Gurgaon South City Dist-301 stepped in with precautions to support Covid affected in this lockdown.

Brief introduction of IWC:-

Inner Wheel, founded by British women Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1924, is the world’s largest voluntary women service organization created primarily for women.

International Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s service voluntary organisations in the world and is active in more than 104 countries.
International Inner Wheel has three key objectives:

01. To Promote True Friendship
02. To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service
03. To Foster International Understanding
Any woman who shares the three central aims of the International Inner Wheel can join the organisation.

Mumbai: Inner Wheel Club of Gurgaon South City is giving their best to provide support to society amid a pandemic

Under Family Welfare, Consumer Guidance and Legal Affairs did:-

On 18th September 2020, Gurgaon distributed monthly ration packets to 100 underprivileged families, beneficiaries were 500 and the amount spent is 85000

29th December 2020, to the street vendors, provided monthly rations packets of Rs 1800/ each to 20 Street vendors which sums up as an overall amount of 36000.

Further on 29th April 2021, at Gurgaon sponsored for the marriage of an underprivileged girl, Monetary Contributions – Rs 11,000/- and Kind Contribution: Rs 25000/-

Help to Differently Abled:-
In the August Month on 14th, 2020 at Rashtriya Virjanand Blind School donated to the school in memory of her husband, beneficiaries are 52 and the total amount spent is 7200.00.

On 8th September 2020, At Deepashram provided one month, medicine, and diapers for 55 mentally retarted children and lunch and evening snacks, the amount used was 22492.00. Also on 2nd April 2021 procured them 3 Water coolers for children of which beneficiaries are 50 and the amount used is 17850.

At Gurgaon on 3rd December 2020, Sponsored 6 Tricycles, the amount spent – 90000.00. As of 13th, April 2021 in Gurgaon Sponsored 4 tricycles of altogether Rs 64000.00.

Health and Hygiene:-
Paschim Vihar on 8th July 2020, set up an emergency pandemic center, provided wheelchairs, stretchers, PPE Kits, Oximeter, Oxygen Cylinders, beneficiaries – 400 and amount used up – 26000.00

In Heritage City Gurgaon, on 22nd July 2020 to 500 beneficiaries provided reusable cloth face masks to service staff, and General Hygiene talk was given, and the overall amount was 5,000. Arushi Home is given 300 packets of Sanitary pads and 200 reusable cotton face masks.55 beneficiaries and an amount consisting of 7200.00. Reusable Cloth face masks distributed at Sukhrali Village, to 750 people and total cost of Rs 3000.00.

Bhondsi Village provided the sanitary pass and talk on Menstruation hygiene given to 50 people and the Amount spent Rs – 2550 on 13th September 2020.

Environment and Sanitation:-
In July Month at Cremation Ground, Punjabi Bagh, of an overall amount of Rs 4000, A truck Full of wood was collected from Pachim Vihar and donated.

Impactful Projects are done during 2020-21 by this club are:

First Project about Children ration, woolen, blankets bringing their joyous moment, etc.

Second Project for Physically Challenged Individuals incapable of mobility under the campaign “Bringing Smiles”.

Third and their Biggest Project – Was working towards further development of Suchitra Women Weavers Society, A small Setup in a Remote Village Near Manali. They were honored when this society was adopted by District 301. Provided them a platform as their primary source of income Tourism was affected due to the Global Pandemic. Helped them to Collaborate with ” Mother and Home” and ” Tahaliya” two fashion brands along with the Branding of IW dist 301. To sell their products further collaboration with Iskcon temples to provide handmade Knitted Mufflers, and this Club majorly distributed their products to homeless Children, Construction Workers, and Arushi Orphanage For girls to bring smiles on their faces. And henceforth empowering women weavers if Manali. They got support from Himachal Roadways to transport their products free of cost. In the coming month, the ministry of textiles is going to assist in skill.

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