Distribution of Bananas for Mihan area. among poor and needy people.

Pictures of charity work
Speaking to Hello Womeniya. Com
Mrs Opinder Kaur Chhatwal Bhasin, Social Entrepreneur running Ngo “You Tell Multipurpose Society in Orange City Nagpur says, Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown, volunteers of her Ngo worked tirelessly serving food packets and fruits among poor, needy and daily wage workers and even ration kits to transgenders”.
Her Ngo also celebrate Birthdays, Anniversaries and above all festivals are celebrated with the less priviledged.
Little known facts of Mrs Opinder Kaur Chhatwal Bhasin,
Mrs Opinder Kaur Chhatwal believes that we’re all put on this planet for different purposes.
At a very early age, she developed a belief that we’re all here to contribute something wonderful and unique to this world and deep within each of us lies a special gift.
The real you is not you, the real you is what is within you and soul meaning of life is to serve humanity is what I learned from my Parents.
True essence of life is to serve selflessly for the betterment and upliftment of the society.
By God’s Grace and with the blessings of elders our Ngo was initiated. We are fortunate enough to have wonderful members, donors ,volunteers and supporters in our NGO. They are our real heroes.
Continuing, she says she has believed that GOD is the founder of our NGO and they are all members and co-founders.
She expresses her heartfelt gratitude to all her family members who guided her and made her dream turn into reality.
She went on to add that “We have made donations at old age homes, slums area kids day care centres, handicapped and mentally retarded kids care centres, for transgenders, pallative cancer care centres, flood hit cities, organised health camp for handicapped kids followed by their treatments and much more…….”
She makes it known that there are two great days in a persons life – “The day we are BORN and the day we discover WHY”
When we find our “WHY” we dont hit snooze anymore. We find a way to make it happen……
For her “Compassion and Empathy” go hand in hand……
“Alone we can do so little but together we can do so much
So, Let’s Spread Humanity A Bit More”
News Edit by K.V.Raman